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The PhD Student's Guide To Processing And Presenting Important Data: Get More Out Of Your Data! Ebook Edition

by Dr. John Hockey and Dr. Sandeep Gupta


Have you ever wondered what else you could find from your data simply by processing it in a different way?

What other gems lay hidden? Those gems that could double your research output, paper output, and strengthen your PhD.

Or how about wondering how to reduce the error of your data? Reducing the error of your data strengthens your conclusions, which makes your papers and presentations much more impressive. It also gives you more confidence with your work – no more laying in bed stressing about whether your data is “good enough”.

Dr. John Hockey and Dr. Sandeep Gupta use their 29 years of Academic research experience to put together straight-forward statistical methods you can use to process your data in different ways to reveal trends and conclusions that would otherwise remain hidden from you. The skills needed are simple and the methods are neatly described and set out so that every PhD student can understand, regardless of whether you have a Master’s in mathematics, or in Humanities, or anything in between.

The book goes further and describes several different techniques you can use to successfully categorize the error and uncertainty of your data, giving you peace-of-mind. It also describes how you can easily reduce the uncertainty of your system without any extra brainpower required, which greatly improves your chances of getting your papers accepted for publication.

If you’re interested in maximizing how much you get out of your data – that data you work so hard for, presenting your data in a more effective and irrefutable fashion, quantifying and reducing the errors and uncertainty in your systems, increase your research efficiency, and increasing your research output, then pick up a copy of “The PhD Student’s Guide To Processing And Presenting Important Data” and reap the rewards.


Length: 138 Pages

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