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Did you know that almost every PhD student feels like an imposter at least once during their PhD?


And many feel like one all the time.


Did you know that the imposter syndrome also dramatically reduces your chances of finishing your PhD (not just making you feel like crap)?


Do you want to get over your PhD imposter syndrome and enjoy your life during your PhD (not to mention increase your chances of finishing your PhD)?


Read On.


This book gives you a detailed explanation of the PhD imposter syndrome.


It discloses the 5 distinct categories of the general PhD imposter syndrome that you fall into.


And the methods to use to escape them for good!


Every PhD student needs to read this because the price of not, is too high.


Written by the leading figure in PhD education, Dr. John Hockey, it’s the book for getting over your imposter syndrome today.

PhD Imposter Syndrome Stopping It Dead In Its Tracks!

Ebook Edition

by Dr. John Hockey


PhD Imposter Syndrome
Johns the man wreath.jpg


Dr. John Hockey has 20 years of experience with PhDs. He designs PhD programs around the world.

After finishing his PhD, he worked at internationally acclaimed Universities in 11 Countries (Several in the U.S.).

He successfully supervises:


Students from all different countries


Students from all different backgrounds

To fast completion!


His knowledge of the academic system is world renowned.

He can Help You Deal With Your Supervisors and Get You Your PhD!

John's The Man!

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